Pot Holes - CycleWight - CYCLEWight

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Pot Holes

Published by in Campaigning ·
Pot Holes etc
Everyone's favourite topic. It is fair to say that many roads on the Island are now a very good surface. The Round the Island Cycle route is in the main part excellent. It has become a visitor attraction in its own right. BUT there are still places where for cyclists roads are grim. Cyclists as  a group must report defects. The argument goes "Nothing is done so why bother." Records are kept and the pressure of number of reports will have an effect. https://fms.islandroads.com/ is the reporting system.
This is particularly true at the moment for defects on the NCN routes. if you are unhappy with the response you can contact IR by email.info@islandroads.com and ask for more information on your issue. A last resort is to contact CycleWight. We do meet with IR and IWC regularly and issues are raised.
You can allso use an App called "FixMyStreet"

Isle Of Wight Cycling Campaign
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